Classifications Of Migraine Headache Treatment

Woman in need of a migraine headache treatment

Migraine is a type of headache that can begin at any age. Migraines are a result of stress levels and hormones. They commonly start around adolescence and occur more in women between fifteen and fifty-five.

Migraines often feel like you’re being pressed with a hot iron at a particular part of the head, and the intensity of the pain varies. Most times, the pain begins around the side of the head or forehead. Sometimes, it has co-symptoms ranging from sensitivity to light, nausea, and vomiting. 

Migraine headache treatment comes in different forms. The point of the treatment is to stop or slow down the headache which has already started. In this article, we’d be looking at the various types of migraine treatments.

Different Migraine Headache Treatment 

Migraine headache treatments are grouped into three, which include lifestyle change, therapy, and medications

  1. lifestyle Change(self-care) 
  • Proper Sleep Schedule: This includes having designated sleeping hours, avoiding caffeine and sleeping pills except prescribed by the physician, and avoiding TV during bedtime hours. Sleep is one of the essential migraine headache treatments.
  • Adjustment Of Diet: Changing your diet to reduce the risk of certain diseases or curb dietary deficiency is very much advised. Certain foods like caffeine trigger migraine, while fresh foods like fruits and vegetables reduce the chances. 
  • Stress Management as a form of migraine headache treatment: To reduce stress, you only have to do activities that you enjoy, which would keep you relaxed. You can create time for gentle exercises like a walk in the morning or stay around people that fill you with good energy. 
  • Avoid Your Migraine Triggers: Different people have specific events that trigger their migraine. For some people, it might be certain drinks, menstruation in girls, weather changes, exercise, and much more. However, it’s essential to know these triggers and avoid them. You should create a migraine response kit to subdue it for inevitable ones like menstrual periods.
  1. Therapy
  • Acupuncture: This is an older form of pain relief created by the Chinese people. It involves driving needles into particular body areas to help with stress relief and other conditions.
  • Muscle Relaxation: This is not related to any form of medication. The muscles are massaged to wear down the tension, and this helps significantly as a migraine headache treatment.
  • Medications used in migraine headache treatment
  • Stimulants: Stimulants can be gotten through your physician’s prescription. They are designed generally to increase the activity of the body’s system. They are very efficient for people suffering from chronic migraines. 
  • Analgesics: These are pain-relieving drugs, commonly termed pain killers. They are usually gotten over-the-counter and seldom require a physician’s prescription. 
  • Antipsychotics: Some antipsychotics have been used to treat migraines, and they’ve worked effectively. Their primary function is to manage psychosis, and your doctor must administer them. 
  • Dietary Supplement: These are pills to supplement a person’s diet, just as the name implies. They can be taken separately or together with other foods. They contain nutrients made gotten from other sources of food. 


There is no definite cure for migraine. However, through a change in lifestyle and some of the drugs listed above, you might be able to reduce its frequency and create a migraine headache treatment specific for you.