Different Forms of Eyebrow Tattooing Sydney Has To Offer

eyebrow tattooing Sydney

There are different forms of eyebrow tattooing Sydney has. Thanks to modernity. You do not have to have your eyebrow inked to make it appear bolder. With the different types of eyebrow tattooing styles, you can have your dreams of having a Robert-Pattinson-bushy eyebrow come to pass. In this article, we will discuss the different forms of eyebrow tattooing Sydney has, how it works, how they feel like on you, and whatnot. 

Eyebrow Tattoos—What are they? 

We are glad you asked. Just as its name implies, they are hyper-realistic tattoos that are shaped as an eyebrow. They give your eyebrow the impression that it is thick in texture and full using “hair-like” strokes. 

Types of Eyebrow Tattoos 

Types of eyebrow tattooing Sydney has to include the following; powder brows, nano brows, and microblading. 


This is one of the most popular forms of eyebrow tattooing. A handheld tool equipped with several tiny needles is used to add pigment under your skin. This pigment is semi-permanent and fades with time. However, a natural look is guaranteed for you as the years go by.

People with oily and sensitive skin may experience some risks and problems with microblading. 

Nano Brows

This technique is ideal and an alternative for those with oily and sensitive skin. Unlike the machine used for microblading, in nano brows, a digital tattoo machine and a single needle is used for this procedure. Your eyebrow gets thickened and its shape gets changed. 

Powder brows

Also goes by the name “ombré brows”, this procedure uses the same digital machine as in the making of the nano brows. It is used most of the time in correcting errors from previous eyebrow tattooing Sydney offers. 

Furthermore, people with oily skin can find this procedure beneficial to them. 

Combo brows

They are a combination of nano and powder techniques. They give your eyebrows the impression of being full and thick. 


The different forms of eyebrow tattooing Sydney has are for cosmetic purposes. Below are benefits of the eyebrow tattooing; 

Gives you a natural look

The application of featherlike ink beneath your skin gives your eyebrow a natural look that can almost not be differentiated from the natural ones.

It lasts long 

Eyebrow tattooing not only lasts long but also gives you quality results even over time. If done properly, it could last at least two to three years. If it fades faster, it is because the ink did not penetrate the skin deep enough. 

It is a painless procedure

Eyebrow tattooing Sydney offers is painless. The reason is anesthetic cream will be applied to the areas where the procedure will be performed, thereby numbing the pain. What you get at worse is a slight sensation. 

It saves you time

Imagine you took 3 minutes to do your brow every morning. In a year, do you how many minutes that would be? Over a thousand! Getting an eyebrow tattoo will save you the stress of getting your eyebrow and almost nineteen hours to yourself! 

Are you ready to get a form of the eyebrow tattooing Sydney has